List all filings
This endpoint retrieves a comprehensive list of financial filings from European stock-listed companies. Similar to the EDGAR system for U.S. markets, it provides access to various financial documents including annual reports, quarterly statements, ad-hoc disclosures, and other regulatory filings.
Key features:
- Multi-market coverage across European countries
- Access to current and historical filings
- Standardized format for easy comparison
- Rich metadata for precise filtering
- Regular updates with new filings
Ideal for financial analysts, researchers, investors, and compliance professionals, this endpoint simplifies gathering financial intelligence across European markets, supporting due diligence, competitive analysis, and regulatory compliance tasks.
Page number to navigate through paginated results
Number of filings to return per page
The ISIN of the company for which filings are being searched
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the company
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code (two-letter country code)
ISO 639-1 code (two-letter language code)
Start date-time for when the filing was added to the platform (in ISO 8601 format)
End date-time for when the filing was added to the platform (in ISO 8601 format)
Start date-time for when the filing was released to the public (in ISO 8601 format)
End date-time for when the filing was released to the public (in ISO 8601 format)
Start date-time for when the filing was published on the authority page (in ISO 8601 format)
End date-time for when the filing was published on the authority page (in ISO 8601 format)
Filing type code (e.g., '10-K', 'RNS', etc.)
A text-based search query to search through filings based on keywords
Specifies the order of returned results. Can use fields like 'release_datetime' or 'added_to_platform'. Prefix with '-' for descending order
Request samples
"count": -61113653,
"next": "qui incididunt Duis consequat fugiat",
"previous": "qui eu velit",
"results": [
"id": 8440809771151462,
"company": {
"id": 3522733175946251,
"name": "Yundt - Will",
"isin": "887939627771",
"isin_secondary": "435693717819",
"lei": "t1k9HNoXgh_5m0mGjmZ0",
"country": "venezuela",
"new_sector": {
"code": "41",
"name": "ait"
"new_industry_group": {
"code": "6946",
"name": "sunt",
"sector": {
"code": "04",
"name": "tripudio"
"new_industry_class": {
"code": "907199",
"name": "acquiro",
"industry_group": {
"code": "6249",
"name": "bardus",
"sector": {
"code": "36",
"name": "vos"
"new_sub_industry": {
"code": "24658186",
"name": "earum",
"industry": {
"code": "885228",
"name": "ambulo",
"industry_group": {
"code": "5918",
"name": "cicuta",
"sector": {
"code": "01",
"name": "quod"
"ir_link": "",
"homepage_link": "",
"date_public": "2019-09-28T06:04:12.416Z",
"date_ipo": "2021-09-28T06:04:12.416Z",
"main_stock_exchange": "dolore amet mollit magna",
"social_facebook": "",
"social_instagram": "",
"social_twitter": "",
"social_linkedin": "",
"social_youtube": "",
"social_tiktok": "",
"social_pinterest": "",
"social_xing": "",
"social_glassdoor": "",
"year_founded": "2024-07-22T23:30:00.263Z",
"corporate_video_id": "3lcCKNoWXuz",
"served_area": "Greece",
"headcount": 6994060618514069,
"contact_email": "",
"ticker": "B9",
"is_listed": true
"filing_type": {
"code": "TALIS",
"name": "vulnero",
"description": "capitulus comes absorbeo"
"language": {
"code": "UY",
"name": "Nauru"
"title": "dens deludo aestas",
"added_to_platform": "2024-09-28T06:04:12.442Z",
"updated_date": "2024-09-28T06:04:12.442Z",
"dissemination_datetime": "2024-09-28T06:04:12.442Z",
"release_datetime": "2024-09-28T06:04:12.442Z",
"source": {
"name": "civitas",
"url": "",
"description": "denuncio dicta illum"
"document": "/var/tmp/splash_unconscious.jsonld"