Retrieve a specific filing
This endpoint allows you to fetch detailed information about a single filing from a European stock-listed company. It provides comprehensive data and metadata for a specific financial document, such as an annual report, quarterly statement, or regulatory filing.
Key features:
- Detailed view of a single filing's complete information
- Access to full metadata, including filing type, dates, language, and source
- Direct link to the original document (when available)
- Useful for in-depth analysis of specific company disclosures
This endpoint is particularly valuable when you need to examine a single filing in detail, perhaps after identifying it through the "List all filings" endpoint. It's ideal for tasks requiring deep dives into specific company reports or for retrieving the latest filing of a particular type for a given company.
Typically used after identifying a filing of interest from the list endpoint, this endpoint allows you to retrieve all available details about that specific filing. This can include extended metadata, full text content (if available), and links to original documents.
Researchers, analysts, and automated systems can use this endpoint to fetch comprehensive information about individual filings for detailed financial analysis, text mining, or document processing tasks.
Request samples
"id": 55721045,
"company": 95959384,
"filing_type": {
"code": "minim proident Lorem",
"name": "depromo culpa sollicito",
"description": "Conicio villa sit cenaculum acerbitas. Ex autus bardus in demo deprecator adhuc pax aspicio sopor. Cicuta bardus ulterius comitatus amoveo civis adulescens convoco vaco."
"language": {
"code": "enim",
"name": "vinitor natus cunctatio"
"filing_date": "2024-09-26T20:57:19.145Z",
"title": "totam altus bonus",
"added_to_platform": "enim labore quis non dolor",
"updated_date": "2024-09-27T09:21:30.140Z",
"dissemination_datetime": "2024-09-27T04:53:52.658Z",
"release_datetime": "2024-09-26T22:25:56.621Z",
"source": {
"name": "tenuis vigor cunabula",
"url": "",
"description": "Commemoro substantia vester vacuus admoveo inventore victus. Decet degero maiores amicitia astrum alii amaritudo. Cultellus urbanus defluo repudiandae cogo debilito ultra."
"document": "id sunt",
"year": 33254642